Visit La Rioja,
a Memorable Experience

Visita La Rioja a tu Manera

Catas en La Rioja

Catas by La Rioja Premium

3 catas abiertas al público en un marco incomparable, Micalanda, un espacio para eventos exclusivos en Gimileo a tan solo 2km de Haro.

Especialmente dirigidas a profesionales de la hostelería y cualquier persona con inquietud por saber más acerca del mundo del vino.

Estamos en un privileged environment donde se elaboran grandes vinos, y donde es fundamental que se creen espacios en los que profesionales del sector hostelero y aficionados puedan conocer y aprender más sobre nuestro producto estrella, ese vino de calidad que buscan clientes y visitantes.

Visitar La Rioja se convierte en una experiencia memorable cuando eliges los anfitriones correctos

La Rioja is a unique land full of history, gastronomy, nature and wine. Come and meet her of the hand of those who take care of this territory offering their best work to Riojanos and visitors.

La Rioja Premium presents a catalogue of accommodation, gastronomy, wineries and activities that prioritise the authenticitythe roots and the service to the customer so that whichever option you choose will be a safe bet.

*Only the best rated establishments by their customers.

Wine tourism in la rioja

La Rioja Premium Packs

Riojan heritage

La Rioja | Paraíso Rural

A visit to La Rioja is to enter into one of the most strategic points in Spain. Situated between the Ebro Valley, the Iberian System and the Cantabrian Mountains, La Rioja has been since time immemorial transit area for travellers, traders and armies. 

Proof of this is the Roman road Italy - Hispania and the Camino de Santiago.

Discover the world of wineenjoy the nature wildest, deciphering its heritage or follow the footprints of huge dinosaurs are some of the reasons to visit La Rioja.

But there is an even more important reason: The human touch. Visiting La Rioja is all about strengthening ties with the people of La Rioja, getting to know its most secret corners and feeling that in some way you are part of it all.

The best rated hosts in La Rioja

Accommodation | Restaurants | Wineries | Activities


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